>Running a small business - a few tips to make your life easier Posted by nick_niesen on October 28th Black Jadeveon Clowney Jersey , 2010
When you have only just started your own business, you will need a lot to learn, not only about what you are going to do, but about all the small details of running your own business. There is no one who you can count on making the right decisions but you. The tips below may be more than useful for all small business owners and make it more probable to bloom instead of going bankrupt (a sad end of 80% of small companies).
Profit margin First of all, remember about the profit margin. All too often we forget about making money Black Lamar Miller Jersey , fascinated by all the possibilities of running one's own business. It is very easy to thwart otherwise successful business by taking too many loans, hiring too expensive lawyer or account office and generally spending too much money on less important matters. Remember: every business is about making money. Try to reduce your costs as much as possible and you will succeed. Buy an expensive car only to feel like a "real" businessman and you will never become one.
Hiring friends and relatives The most delicate and potentially harmful matter in running your own business is the help you receive from your friends and relatives. At first, it is often what counts most - both for practical and psychological reasons. However many small businesses become reliant from the unpaid work of friends andor relatives and it will sooner or later end. That's why it is highly recommended to pay them from the very beginning (even if your loved ones protest) - this will let you keep an eye on the real cost of business and won't turn you into blood-sucking monster that requires more and more but gives nothing back.
Internet Internet is one of the most powerful tools in business. It is not only about eBay, but also about fast, reliable and cheap communication between you and your contractors and customers. Also Black DeAndre Hopkins Jersey , as the Internet becomes more and more useful for advertising purposes, having your own website is a must - otherwise you loose from 50% to 90% of potential customers.
Whether you are in the process of formulating a screening policy for your congregation, or already have a screening program in place, here are some tips to help you with your efforts to protect your church family.
1. Get your house in order.
Decide who will oversee the screening process and keep track of the paperwork. This person must be well respected in the congregation, be trusted to handle confidential information Black J.J. Watt Jersey , be well organized and if possible have human resources and management experience. Recognize this ministry within the life of the congregation. Place an announcement in the Sunday bulletin and bless the ministry within the Sunday liturgy.
Set up a filing system. All screening documents should be stored in a locked file cabinet (within the congregation or offsite) for an indefinite period of time. Files should never be left out in the open or in a readily accessible location.
2. Assess risk and determine the screening requirements for the position in question. Assess the level of power, authority and control of those who minister, the level of vulnerability of those being ministered to, and the risk that harm could be committed by sexual harassment, exploitation Black Cullen Gillaspia Jersey , assault, emotional, verbal, physical, spiritual or financial abuse. Screen appropriately for the level of risk inherent in the position.
A well crafted Application Form that contains key questions concerning past incidents of inappropriate behavior.
A Reference List of all the candidate's schools, employers, congregations, and religious supervisors over the last five years. A minimum of three references should be checked.
A broad Release Form to permit these references to freely divulge information about the candidate, and allow you to perform other investigative inquiries.
4. Check with the candidate's references - preferably in writing. Ask them a series of key questions to reveal any past history of inappropriate conduct. Well worded inquiries will reveal the most information about a candidate.
5. Check appropriate public records. Based on the candidate's residential address history Black Max Scharping Jersey , perform a criminal history records check at the state level (almost all states have a central repository available), and the county level (all are available) going back five to seven years. Similarly, check with the appropriate state Sex Offender Registries (most state's now have free on-line checks available). If the candidate will have access to church financial assets, include a credit bureau check. If the candidate will be driving for church related activities, include a driving record check.