A man of a Chinese firm introduces products during the first China-Africa Industrial Capacity Cooperation Exposition in Nairobi Cheap Jerseys , Kenya, Dec. 12, 2017. (XinhuaChen Cheng) by Christine Lagat
NAIROBI, Dec. 13 (Xinhua) -- The inaugural China-AfricaIndustrial Capacity Cooperation Expo kicked off on Wednesday inNairobi amid acknowledgement of the role of capital Cheap NCAA College Jerseys , expertise andtechnology from Beijing to fuel Africa's industrial progress.
Kenya's Cabinet Secretary for Trade, Industry and CooperativesAdan Mohamed opened the expo, where more than 50 Chinese firms areshowcasing their products to potential local and regionalclients.
Mohamed said in his opening remarks that Kenya was privileged tohost the first China-Africa industrial expo that aims to deepentrade ties between the Asian giant and its partners in the world'ssecond largest continent.
"Kenya is pleased and proud to be hosting this maiden edition ofChina-Africa Industrial Capacity Cooperation Exhibition," saidMohamed.
"This forum happening for the first time in Africa symbolizesthe confidence that China has in the continent and morespecifically Kenya and its desire to develop that partnership to adeeper and higher level Cheap Sports NCAA Jerseys ," he added.
Senior Kenyan policymakers and staff from the Chinese Embassy inNairobi joined executives from major Chinese firms to inauguratethe four-day expo aimed at showcasing investment opportunities inthe region and across the continent.
Mohamed said Kenya has enacted progressive legislative andpolicy frameworks to attract foreign direct investments from Chinaand other emerging economies.
"Kenya has actively promoted investment opportunities to theChinese and is looking at increasing foreign direct investmentsfrom the country," Mohamed said.
He said Kenya is keen to court Chinese investors in its quest totransform key sectors of the economy like manufacturing,agro-processing, infrastructure and real estate.
The cabinet secretary said Beijing is ready to partner withAfrican countries to modernize their industrial sector that is thebedrock of economic growth and job creation.
Li Xuhang Cheap NCAA Jerseys Free Shipping , minister counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Kenya,said investments in manufacturing sector will enable Africancountries to realize rapid economic growth.
Chinese firms participating in the Nairobi expo are drawn fromdiverse sectors of the economy and will be scouting for newbusiness opportunities and local partnerships.
Kiprono Kittony, chairman of Kenya National Chamber of Commerceand Industry, said the country stood to gain from the first everChina-Africa industrial capacity cooperation expo.
"This is a timely opportunity for us to promote trade andinvestments with China for mutual benefits Cheap NCAA Jerseys Wholesale ," Kittony said, addingthat a level playing field is key to advancing bilateral tradebetween China and African countries. Enditem
To Select The Best Dora Games Site For Your Child
Posted by doragames on March 1st, 2015
Does your child frequently pester you to permit them to play Dora Games online? Are you worried about your child’s online gaming activities? Yes, as a parent your concerns are very legitimate and you need to closely monitor your child when they are online. Dora games are very popular among girls and your children could easily get swayed by these games and sometimes they could land in undesirable pages. You will therefore need to select the gaming sites very carefully so that you know that your kid is not exposed to any risks or any security issues. Here are a few important tips that will help you select the best gaming sites for your children. These tips are applicable not only for sites that feature Dora games Cheap NCAA Jerseys China , but you could apply the same tips to select sites that feature boys games too.
#1 Visit the gaming site yourself when you have enough time to review the entire website. Never send your child to any random gaming site before you have checked the site yourself. When you are on the site look for suspicious links and before clicking on any of the links point your mouse over the link to see where they are taking you, which you will be able to see in the status bar at the bottom left corner of your web browser. If you find anything suspicious, it is best to leave the site immediately looking for alternatives.
#2 Once you have finalized a website for your children for playing Dora games or other boys games, try to do a quick search in Google using the name of the site to read any reviews those may be posted online. Take time to read user reviews on the site as it will unearth a lot of things about the site. If there should be any issues with the website and the gaming interface Cheap NCAA Jerseys , it is very likely that other users would have reported them online. Stay away from sites with negative feedback. Remember, you will need to do all these without fail because your child may not be able to use his or her discretion while playing their favorite games online. You cannot expect them to be bridled only to the game that they are playing. Children in general are very curious, they will try to explore the entire gaming website, and when they do it should be safe for them.
#3 Besides safety factors Cheap Sports College Jerseys , the games your child plays online should also be interesting. So show some interest in reviewing the Dora games. Do not expose your children to substandard games. Look for gaming sites that feature good quality animationss so that your child will have maximum fun possible while playing online. Just because the games are named after Dora all of them may not be equally interesting or creative. Therefore, you should always review the gaming site before you let them play so that they will learn how to select their gaming sites in the future and know that they should never settle for substandard stuff.